Our purpose is Helping the Most Vulnerable groups of women, children and youth. We strive to bring positive change to those not helped by other programs by;
- Empower women and youth through education and dissemination of information.
- Help women and youth prevail through leadership development and training.
- Committed to policy and advocacy on women and youth issues.
- Advocate for access to health services and health facilities for women and youth.
- Foster economic skills, potentials and abilities.
- Maintain and demonstrate spirit of cultural enrichment through cultural heritage.
Our vision is to empower and embrace women, youth, and children around the world. It is encapsulated within our acronym:
SHINA: To Send Hope Inspire and Nourish utilizing Accumulated knowledge and skills.
SHINA: To Send Hope Inspire and Nourish utilizing Accumulated knowledge and skills.
Our mission is to help the Most Vulnerable Groups through the exchange of ideas, support and aid in the areas of education, economic, social and cultural development to empower themselves. By working predominantly at community level, we collaborate with grass-roots organizations in rural areas that tend to be overlooked due to the high concentration of donors in urban areas. We promote, encourage and foster better understanding between communities in the United States and abroad.
What did you envision when you created the organization?
I envisioned SHINA to be an organization which will give hope and inspire the hidden talents and abilities of Women, children and youth living in difficult environment. The idea was inspired by what my mother went through and by my personal experience growing up in a male dominated African culture. The organization prides itself in empowering women, the single most important legacy we can bestow upon our children. Through various other activities, SHINA also focuses on educating and motivating children and youth to develop and maintain healthy relationships as well as promote their talents, ideas and leadership abilities. |
SHINA’s service population has struggled for a long time to overcome problems such as poverty, education suppression, health-related challenges, and lack of economic opportunity; all problems to which women and girls are often most susceptible. It has played a significant role in the lives of the most vulnerable women, youth and children. Through its alternative learning programs' elementary/secondary education, women’s micro-grant business programs, and by providing for the needs of valuable children and abandoned women, SHINA touched lives of many.
It is our experience and belief that faith plays a major role in spirituality and healing the population we serve. We need to continue to bridge the gap and share the exposure of different cultures as we promote talents, ideas and leadership abilities.
It is our experience and belief that faith plays a major role in spirituality and healing the population we serve. We need to continue to bridge the gap and share the exposure of different cultures as we promote talents, ideas and leadership abilities.
How did you select the name?
I thought a sense of lasting, here to stay; making a difference should be reflected in how we brand ourselves. I wanted the name that could reflect the strong root and not easily uprooted from its vision. The booboo tree came into mind as the tree withstanding all kind of punishment from natural weather and was used as hiding shelter for slaves during colonization.
I thought a sense of lasting, here to stay; making a difference should be reflected in how we brand ourselves. I wanted the name that could reflect the strong root and not easily uprooted from its vision. The booboo tree came into mind as the tree withstanding all kind of punishment from natural weather and was used as hiding shelter for slaves during colonization.
To what do you attribute your success?
Working at grassroots level and dedication of volunteers to promote, encourage and foster better understanding between communities in the United States, and other parts of the world; through the exchange of ideas, support and aid by utilizing our accumulated knowledge and skills.
Working at grassroots level and dedication of volunteers to promote, encourage and foster better understanding between communities in the United States, and other parts of the world; through the exchange of ideas, support and aid by utilizing our accumulated knowledge and skills.
What makes you different from your competition or from your peers?
We are a diverse, universal multicultural organization reaching out and touching all races with needs.
We work predominantly at community level and collaborate with grassroots organization in rural areas that tend to be overlooked due to the high concentration of donors in urban areas. Our three year self sustaining projects rule, encourages the benefactors to be self-reliant and to promote lasting self esteem and community development.
We are a diverse, universal multicultural organization reaching out and touching all races with needs.
We work predominantly at community level and collaborate with grassroots organization in rural areas that tend to be overlooked due to the high concentration of donors in urban areas. Our three year self sustaining projects rule, encourages the benefactors to be self-reliant and to promote lasting self esteem and community development.
How has the organization changed over the years?
At inception we thought this will be like an association with membership. However due to the lack of full membership commitments and IRS code requirements, we were forced to look at what will be more beneficial to the community we are trying to serve. Hence, we changed from a Membership Organization in 2005 to Not for profit organization with full exempt status.
At inception we thought this will be like an association with membership. However due to the lack of full membership commitments and IRS code requirements, we were forced to look at what will be more beneficial to the community we are trying to serve. Hence, we changed from a Membership Organization in 2005 to Not for profit organization with full exempt status.